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Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Centre. Our large team is involved in many different roles, including finance, catering, information sourcing, administration, support, meet and greet, Café - and lots more!

Volunteering with my admin experience in such a friendly and supportive establishment has been a pleasure, stretching my skills to handling  reception, coffee bar and catering. It makes me feel useful, staff appreciate you, and it has     inadvertently led to getting a surprise one week holiday cover reception job at a local company!

Join us!

Have you thought of coming to volunteer here at the CResCent Centre? Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, gain new skills and be part of a team. 
Why not come along for a session and get a feel for things? Our team will be delighted to show you around and describe the tasks that our volunteers carry out. If you would like to know more about the opportunities we have, please get in touch. 
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